Success in Cross-Cultural Collaboration
PMOhouse regularly performs in-depth global Best Practice Surveys. Together with our clients and partners, we identify organisations that work particularly well within certain domains. We also follow research developments in our core areas of focus and share experiences with our networks. This keeps our clients and ourselves constantly sharp on the latest updates.
”How to make Cross-Cultural Collaboration a Success – a Special Focus on China and India”, Global Survey 2013-2016.
- We have visited and assessed the challenges and successes of cross-cultural collaboration in a series of global companies.
- Our focus has been on day-to-day work conditions, such as communication, meetings, implementation of global practices, understanding of when yes means yes, and we have been less focused on cultural dimensions and stereotypes.
- We visited the survey companies in China and India, performing interviews from top tier management to team staff.
- Our original study consisted of 50 interviews, survey questionnaires, and an expansive study of relevant research. Several countries have been added since, and the study now numbers approximately 500 respondents.